Film Script

We continue to talk about the criteria by which short films are evaluated by jury in any festival.
And today we will talk about the most important film element - the script.
The main idea that filmmakers put into their work is inextricably linked to the script, which helps to express it through artistic means.
How important is plot to a good script? Experimental films often lacks a coherent plot at first glance.
It is replaced by a sequence of scenes, each of which is filled with a certain meaning and leads in the final to the thought that the director wanted to express.
But this sequence is also dictated by the script, and in it, as in any dramatic work, there must be a plot, climax and denouement.
A film of any genre presupposes a plot, therefore, if the story is "unreadable", if there are no significant elements in it, which makes it impossible to understand or feel what the director wanted to say and what the director wanted to say, such a scenario loses significantly compared to others.
Dialogues are a very important part of the script. Each word uttered by the characters should carry a meaning that is important for creating a complete picture of what is happening on the screen.
This is especially important in the context of a short film.
Pointless dialogues that do not allow to reveal the character of the hero or the situation reduce the value of the script.
And finally, the details - they should also carry a semantic load.
Just as "if in the first act there is a gun hanging on the stage, in the last one it should shoot", so in the film script there should be no "non-working" details that blur the viewer's attention.
To be continued.
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