Marcello Quintella
Marcello Quintella
Director (Brazil)
Marcello Quintella is from Brazil. It is far far away from Russia. That's why it is even more interesting to watch film from such an exotic and distant culture.
Marcello sent us very sensitive and beautiful film "Afterwards". This film tells where does love live after it dies?
This film is black and white which makes it more dramatic.
We asked Marcello to share his experience in filmmaking.

— Tell us a little about your experience? Was it only a film connected or you did/do something else?
— "Afterwards" is a very independent film, made with a very low budget. It was written, produced and directed by me after a separation and it talks about universal feelings. When a movie is made using personal trues, it appears on the screen.
— What inspired you to make your short film? How did you come up with that idea?

— As I said before, the film was based in real sensations and experiences, obviously with fictional reactions of the leading role character. I dealt better with the things that the film talks about. As the others films that I wrote, I work themes that I've lived.

—Tell us how it was to produce your film?

— Producing a film in Brazil, especially an independent movie in Brazil, isn't an easy work. It's very difficult to receive public support and the policy to obtain money with private companies is strongly unfavorable to whom has an authoral project. So, the starting point to a short movie diretor is, here and everywhere, the deep desire to make cinema, not because it is good for the pocket, but because it's necessary for the soul. When you believe in it, everything is possible.
—Funny or scary moments on the set?
— The "Afterwards'" set was a place of a lot of scary and funny moments. The funniest moments was, obviously, on backstage, because in front of the camera there's no funny scenes, really. It's a very deep personal drama. But the crew members were very confortable all the time, we could all do a coll ambient for everyone. The worst scary moment, to me, was during the sex scenes. I was affraid of the result couldn't be as I wanted and cross the elegance frontier. Luckly, the scenes resulted like I wished.
— Do you have a dream?

— My dream, today, is the end of this pandemic moment, that the science can find a vaccine. After? To keep making movies while I can dream about it . I hope it can be forever.
— What is your favorite film cite?

— "The films need to be finished, even blindly". Mateo Blanco, character of "Broken Embraces" (2009), a Pedro Almodóvar film.
— Give advice for those who want to make a film, but don't know from where to start?
— Believe. It's possible. If you have a good script in your hands, if you know how the film will be at the end and if you have a great wish to do it, just start. Call the right people to stay at your side. You and them will know what to do when the things start to go ahead. It won't be so easy. But, what is?
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